Brenda Kezar

Horror, Science Fiction, and Fantasy Writer

spooky house


My favorite hobby is learning, so I tend to collect a lot of certificates. Just for fun, I've decided to start linking some of my certificates. It's going to take me a while to catch up posting the certs I've earned, so this page is pretty empty right now. This will be an ongoing "work in progress."

divider bar made out of tiny Cthulus

Technology/Programming Certificates

divider bar made out of tiny Cthulus

Language Certificates

divider bar made out of tiny Cthulus

Art Certificates

divider bar made out of tiny Cthulus

Work-related Certificates

divider bar made out of tiny Cthulus

Odds and Ends Certificates

divider bar made out of tiny Cthulus

~~Here be monsters . . . and corgis.~~